Sunday, March 31, 2013

Treasure Baskets

Treasure Baskets

A couple of ideas for Infant and Toddler Treasure Baskets.  Treasure baskets are a basket of things for baby to play with that may or may not be related by theme and are changed often for interest.  I change ours weekly.  Great to have in the kitchen or other room in the home when you need to occupy baby for a while.







Baby Hack 002

Goodbye Diaper Genie!


dirty diaper

plastic shopping bag

Step 1: Bag and Twist

Step 2: Open top of bag and turn inside out

Step 3: Gather ends up over diaper (double bagging stinky diaper)

Step 4: tie handles securely and dispose of diaper

Baby Hack 001

Use an old wipe bag with lid as a holder for refill packs:


old wipe bag with lid

chip clip from IKEA


wipe refill bag

Friday, March 15, 2013

Mini Theme: Carnival of Animals, Fossils

Mini Theme: Carnival of Animals, Fossils

Season: Any

Music: Carnival of Animals: Fossils

Flash Cards: Skeletons of any animals alive or extinct and human x rays too

Snack/Cooking: Fossil Cookies